In the meantime, I guess I will have to return the monitor. Maybe you guys should consider including a displayport cable, or eventually update the firmware so that g-sync can be enabled from the monitor, if that is even possible. The average customer doesn't know that HDMI can not display g-sync. I simply didn't consider that DELL would sell a product with g-sync certification, to then not include the cable that actually enables g-sync. This allows support for any FAT32 device via libfat. To achieve this, SDCafiine has a built-in a version of mocha, which is a Custom Firmware with libiosuhax support. for Wii U), but since version 1.4 all games are supported. However, this was a very disappointing experience and I didn't expect this from DELL. In the past SDCafiine only supported games which already had access to the SD Card (for example Super Smash Bros. Nevertheless I tested it with a display port cable of another monitor and it works. So I hope you can understand my frustration at this point. My problem for the moment is that I want to export a map I created with Tiled to GMS, for which I already researched any forum or option to do so, here some examples of what I did and tried until now: http. I even read the manual before buying the monitor, and there is no info about g-sync and hdmi not working together. Hello to all, so I am pretty new to Tiled and also to GMS but I have read and watch a tone of tuts already and created some example games to learn the mechanics of GMS and also of Tiled. On the storepage it says certified G-sync, which suggests that it will work out of the box, and I expected nothing else from DELL, but unfortunately it is nowhere communicated that g-sync doesn't work with HDMI on the storepage, and I didn't know that HDMI was not g-sync able either. Is Win7 not supported by the client SDK anymore in version 3.* ? Again, this works fine for me in Win10 and in Win2012 Server.It was just disappointing to find out that g-sync doesn't work with the included cable. : .(Lorg/opcfoundation/ua/transport/security/CertificateValidator )V

The tCertificateValidator(validator) call fails with the following exception: UaClient uaClient = new UaClient(serverUrl) įinal PkiDirector圜ertificateStore certStore = new PkiDirector圜ertificateStore() įinal DefaultCertificateValidator validator = new DefaultCertificateValidator(certStore) The problem seems to be in a call to tCertificateValidator. I downloaded the 1st one and made a mod file with all the other roots STILL NOT WORKING oh and also used sdcafiine.

The addon manager has not been updated yet and after reading about release of Phoenix I was hoping a fix was in place. It works fine on my Windows 10 development machine however. I get this warning message as I'm trying to reinstall FSDT airports in Prepar3d 1.4. I upgraded to 3.1.4-514.Īfter upgrading and making code changes in accordance with the changes in the SDK, the application no longer works on a Windows 7 Pro SP1 machine it was running happily on previously. The application was using SDK version 1.4.4-6832. I just upgraded the Prosys OPC UA Java SDK libs in a JavaFX application of mine.